Not happy about current Template, please suggest
Its a technical blog, I am looking for some good templates and review feedback and suggestions from community. Is it ok to continue with the same template or should i change ?
Hi Sujata,
Unfortunately, I am not technical so I am not competent to remark on your content. But your template sure is drab! It looks like a MS word file for Chissake!
Don't get me wrong. MS Word is very helpful but wht you need is color. Have your colors match your posts. You can have a look at my blog provided you review it. Plyus there are so may free templates to download. I think you will be spoilt for choice. Put some color. There is not even yoor color photograph in Check my profile. Put some widgets. See how your blog jumps up in ranking. I don't know whether you are interested in advertising. But if you are, you need to color your blog.
Our actual lives are drab and boring. So, people have a subconscious preference for gaiety. If your blog is just an extension of life, I for one will veer towards the competition. All comments have been made in the positive sense only. Regards
Arindom Borah (Bilbo)
NB: You can also consider putting in a image per post. I do that.
Thanks Arindom for your candid feedback. I will surely work on it. I am not interested in advertising at this point of time and want it to be just technical. But you never know :-)
Thanks again.
You should change it, go with something clean and more refined.
Have a box to display your codes..
make use of google, search some templates and i think you would do great
Thanks Raghav. Surely will implement the idea of adding code in box and I am working on it .