Ranjeeth would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://mom-thebestcookrecipes.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Pleaser review my blog

from Bangalore
11 years ago

Please provide your reviews on the recipes....

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Archana Joyce
Archana Joyce
from Chennai
11 years ago

Ranjeeth you look a lot like my long lost friend from Bangalore! 

Anyway about your blog... Recipes are great. I can smell the mutton chops here :) 

It would be nice if you add some photos. Don't worry about fancy plates and stuff, just show us how it is supposed to look...

Also, I noticed that your blog is pink? Did you intend it like that or maybe it is just me. 

Please keep posting your recipes and add more photos!

from Bangalore
11 years ago

hi Archana- Thanks for your response..Give me some details of your long last friend...may be its me...haha..anyways..

Pink is just another color...whats wrong with it:-)....Photos..i dont believe in pictures...try it out and each person's final output of the dish may vary..so i guess you can try this recipe and paste a pic...