Looking for feedback for my blog
Hello! I'm from New delhi and an adherent fan of writing. I write on very different topics, ones that are not usually taken up as topics to write on. I'll certainly appreciate your feedbacks. :)
Nice blog, you've written on a wide variety of topics- personal anecdotes, general news, TV shows among others. Most bloggers will tell you to find a niche and stick to it. But I won't because I myself write on a wide array of topics. I would just advice you to find your voice and develop it, so that all your articles, no matter what the topic, somehow seem related. Aesthetically you are using a default template, but don't worry you'll automatically learn more about these things and move on to better templates once you have your content flowing smoothly. Good luck.
I really appreciate you taking out the time and reading my blog, thank you! :) I'll certainly work upon improving it more and will surely take your suggestions into consideration. :)