vigya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my blog on my thoughts and my take on life as it is

from mumbai
11 years ago

The blog contains my random thoughts as they bombard me. New to blogging, just 2 months old. But plan to write more and more. So please give your reviews which will help me become a better blogger :)

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Vinayak SP
Vinayak SP
from Pune
11 years ago

Nice Blog, I enjoyed reading it. U R blogs are fantastic, u r writing style also amazing.. keep blogging...The only suggesting I have is 'Keep blogging' :)



from Hyderabad
11 years ago

hi, I am looking for authors who can contribute to blog. Your writings are really good, I would like to invite you to geekspage as one of the authors. we will be writing technology articles. If you are interested please contact me hariharakumar2000[at]yahoo[dot]com for more info. we will pay you for writing articles.