Mallikarjuna Kalika would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Looking for feedback on my new blog.

My take on stuff going around me. Cricket. Sports. Politics. Humor. Wit. Anything. Everything.PS. No animalswere hurt during the making of this blog. 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi Mallikarjuna, Welcome to IB Reviews. Here is my two cents. 

  • I somehow am not able to deny that I liked the theme, but a fact remains that it is less readable. May be using a different background could help change it for you? Try your luck with that. 
  • Make your font color white. That will make the text more readable if you have a dark background image. If it is light, then see what fits great. 
  • Remember, for bloggers, readers should be able to read well.
  • Too many posts on the front page. Reduce this to more respectable 4 or 5. For longer posts, please usre Read more functionality so that you do not clog your front page. 
  • Popular posts could be placed below your intro. As a blogger, you should also take pride in your blog. Related posts could help being there, but knowing about the Blogger too has its own importance. 
  • Feedjit helps uses know the hits. This is old, really. You do not need this. Get a google analytics account and add the code to your blogger widget. Get reports from Analytics. More meaningful. Feedjit may not give you this much info, and readuce JS loading time by milliseconds. 
  • You are using consistant fonts in your posts. Good job. However widgets tend to have different fonts. Try to see if you can use Georgia there as well.
  • Constipated Glutton - you can explain why you named such in your about me area... 
  • You have posted content that you also penned for other web sites (for eg. sportskeeda). This is duplication, and Google / Search Bots will assume this as copied content or plagairsm. So I would recommend that you refrain from doing so. I was not able to find any content that only existed on your blog. Could be a big problem buddy for your blog's growth.

So that would be it then. Keep Blogging. 

Thanks a lot Hemal for the feedback.I have tried to act upon most of the points you mentioned.Thanks again for your timein going through my novitiate blog.

