Suraj Dave would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please give me feedback on my latest blog post stories.

Suraj Dave
Suraj Dave
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

A blog started couple of years ago by a kid (i.e. me).. Posts on different phases of life. How I look at things and gradually evolving into the person I am today. :)

Filled with sarcasm, amateur stories, personal experiences and lot of other things that matters.. :)

View from the eyes of a Freak.

Edit: I have already changed my theme and removed the ads as Hemalji said... I would really love to see some feedback on my writing style and stories...

Thanks in advance..



Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Add more description
Replies 1 to 6 of 6
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi Suraj,

Welcome to IB! I liked the way you put your blog intro on this review thread.

Here is my review. 

  • There are way too many ads distracting me form reading the blog, it feels as if you do not write for yourself but for ads. I too did this mistake very long ago, but as you grow up you will know how that does not help you. 
  • On the page 1, your latest posts are very short in content.. more of in your face ads
  • On the page 2, I saw a grey-ish layer masking content, making it difficult to read
  • This masks stops me from clicking any link on the page, including comments and even ads. 

Sorry for being harsh here, I did not mean to offend. I wanted to give you a honest opinion.. Hope you learn more too soon :) 

All the best!

Suraj Dave
Suraj Dave
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Thanks for the feedback..I am new to blogger.. Just dont know how to stop this ads.. I setup this blog long time ago.. just cannot remove them.. maybe its better I stick with wordpress. :)  :)

Suraj Dave
Suraj Dave
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

On the grayish part, even I am confused how to remove it. As I am using basic blogger theme here, will workout a new theme for sure. Do let me know about the wordpress one too.

Suraj Dave
Suraj Dave
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Hey Hemal ji, I was able to make the blog better after googling some solutions.... please check again and let me know your thoughts.. thanks a bunch.... :)


Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
11 years ago

You know Suraj, I have seen things change and acceptance of my comments but this was fast! :) 

Good job, this looks much more neater, cleaner than the one you had. 

One comment I still have is about the title fonts. Seems like you (or the Theme) have used the Yahoo logo font here which kind of makes it difficult to read. One of the causes could be that I use clear type fonts on my Windows machine. That means, font smoothening is not happening. 

The Navigation on top uses a different font altogether, which is even more difficult to read.. has its limitations, but is a better blogging engine than Blogger in a smaller way. Blogger has improved a lot (i hear from people) from what I used till 2007 and what it is now. 

A self hosted Wordpress is a better solution all time, but this needs some time dedication and money to buy a hosting and domain. 

Suraj Dave
Suraj Dave
from Ahmedabad
11 years ago

Thanks Hemalji.. I have tried using blogger theme at its optimum level as per my requirements.. I am unsure about how I go about making it better as not too familiar with the fonts you mentioned.

Wordpress I had been thinking to move to a self hosted one, however I am not well versed with CSS to make the move unfortunately.

Do you suggest that I keep default fonts of the blogger theme on the title bar to make it more appealing?

Do tell me about my writing style too. Always love critical reviews, helps to improve. :)