let me know what you think of my blog
Juggling between Career and Life- with interests ranging from music, movies, books, writing, finance, banking, travel and theatre... this blog is the thinking space for my dreams. People, Places and Purpose is what our existence is about..and some Popcorn too! I want to explore each of those aspects and figure out someplace where I truly belong!
Very nice personal blog. All the necessary things like social media widgets, pictures, neat structure and layout are already there. One suggestion can be to make the page more lively by having a visually appealing background image. Thanks.
The way you have managed your blog is wonderful. Simple yet, attractive. At first glance the words that came to my mind was cute...
Will read your posts lately.. ;) :D
Let me know what you think of my blog..
http://freakintheplanet.wordpress.com or http://freakintheplanet.blogspot.in whatever works best for you. ;) :D