Looking for a review for my blog- on Delhi!
This blog is all about Delhi, and loving it. It is the story of how, when I first felt it is was a normal city, and after doing some exploring, writing , observing and thinking, my whole view point changed.
This blog recently got selected for 'Delhi blog of the week', in the newspaper Hindustan Times. I hope you read and review it- and of course, like it.
First of all want to congratulate you for being selected for 'Delhi blog of the week'. Below are few of my thoughts, which you can implement on your blog,
1. Insert jump break, as few of the posts are too lengthy..
2. Adjust blog width..
3. Limit the number of posts on main page to 3 to 5, as there are too many posts on the main page..
Hope these will help you in improving your blog's look...
Nice work but you can make it more aweosme
Go to domain
Blog Width
Take a good templet
Try to make post awesome not long