I am looking for your valuable feedback on my blog
I am a textile professional and I write this blog to help my fellow professionals. I am blogging since 2006 and manage a few other blogs.
Please review it from the point of view of content, layout and additional inputs. Any other feedback apart from this is also welcome.
Reason: Typos and paragraph alignment
A good textile blog i must say! I have seen a few other blogs but yours seems to be different and more realistic. Even though I dont understand a thing, your blog seems to tell me that is not all that tough.
You blog pretty often, how do you get so much of energy from? Perhaps, love for the subject.
There are just about too much of ads running in your face, so try to keep them a little subtle. Keep Blogging!
Thanks for the appreciation. But as you said you did not understand a thing, would you drop in some suggestions how I can make it useful and understandable for the average textile consumer and make it more popular.
Yes, love for the subject is the prime reason that keeps me blogging.
Thanks for your suggestions about the ads, will make it subtler.
Thanks for your review,
Dear Anil,
Thanks for the review.
Would appreciate if you can point out the "difference". With your feedback you will definitely find the difference.