Autismic mom would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my blog on Autism..

Autismic mom
Autismic mom
from los Angeles
11 years ago


I am an IndiMom living in Beverly Hills, CA, just started my blog couple of days back. My 2.8 year old son is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I plan on writing about our journey, as we move forward. The main purpose is definitely to keep the track of his progress, and new diet plans we follow, about different therapies we get, and also about problems we face on day to day basis. I would try my best to help anybody in need regarding autism, with whatever knowledge I have. 

Thanks in advance! 

-Autismic Mom. 

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: title..
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Autismic mom
Autismic mom
from los Angeles
11 years ago