Sandhya Balasubramaniam would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my blog

I started out blogging randomly. Been wanting to blog for quiet sometime, but finally picked the courage about a year ago. I have some doubts , I hope you can help me with that too  :) :) I blog on random day to day things, for effective and professional blogging, do I have to stick to one particular genere ? Could you please guide me with more insight on this :) 



Sandy :) 

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Good blog Sandy continue with the niche, it is good.  Blog needs some makeup.  So you might apply some to it like a nice template, widgets, social media buttons, etc.



Thanks Vijay for your review :) I have made some changes to the template and added a few gadgets :) thanks a lot for the comments :)



Sandy :)

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Good changes Sandhya now your blog looks good.  Add G+ that is the one that counts with google

Ritu KT
Ritu KT
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Sandhya, I looked at your blog. Nice work. it took me a lot of time to start my own blog too. A couple of points I would like to point out here:

1. Have a clear and easy to find 'About Me' page. A lot of readers (like me) like to know a little about the author of the blog.

2. I could not find any widgets (you mentioned in the comment above). It would be nice to add - Subscribe by email, facebook follow or twitter follow, Archives, Recent posts.

Regarding your question about sticking to a genre - No I don't think we have to worry about it a lot. It is important after reaching a particluer level but take your time to figure it out. People usually worry about it because Google sends more traffic to niche blogs.

PS - i also have a niche-free blog.

I hope you find this feedback helpful. Have a nice day!



Thank you Ritu :) I had the archives and the widgets placed @ the end of the page, guess that is not an ideal place. So I have made a few template changes :) Thank you once again :) 


Cheers,Sandy :)  

Brajadulal Patnaik
Brajadulal Patnaik
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

A very nice blog Sandhya. I think you already operate on a niche. It is focussed on sarees and fashion. You also have a bit of other things on your blog and this will help the reader to know more about you and your thoughts. I could see the various widgets in your blog which is a good way to connect with your readers.