Please review my blog!
I would like for your to visit my blog and review the format of the space. Also suggest any changes that you feel I must make. Wouldappreciate immediate feedback.
- Didnt like the URL, felt not easy to remember of eye catching either.
- theme is good, simple but good, it focuses on the content.
- cant comment on content tough.
- Frequency is excellent !!!
- Keep it up..
Thanks Hunky...just noticed that you had been to my blog and kinda liked it too at some level! Thanks for the review. I have again changed the look of my blog a bit. Would you like to have a dekko ?
Simple theme. Good background and header image and a wonderful frequency of posting. Happy Blogging!
Thanks Ranjith...just noticed today that you had been to my blog and liked it too! Thanks for the review. I have again changed the look of my blog a bit. WOuld you like to have a dekko ?
Thanks Anand...just noticed that you had been to my blog and kinda liked it too ! Thanks for the review.