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Please review my travel and photography blog

from New Delhi
11 years ago

A blog about travel, in India and out. With photos. And comparisons. Funny incidents. Tips for your travel there. 

Replies 1 to 6 of 6
from Bengaluru
11 years ago

You should add some widgets in your blog and increase the font size that would make your blog look good....... and more over talking about good things in your blog....... writing style is good and pictures are giving a Indian touch which i really found different and good

from New Delhi
11 years ago

Thanks K2 :)

  • poor choice to domain, url tooo long to begain with..
  • pictures are good but i guess give them a little touch of PhotoShop..
from New Delhi
11 years ago

Thanks Hunky! Can I change the domain name and make the url shorter without affecting my ratings? I'm not sure about this which is why I haven't done anything about it yet?


from hyderabad
11 years ago

Too long domain name. I advise you to change it to something better. It can be done through your Blogger dashboard. 

Two of the gadgets are showing an error. Correct them.

Also, I found no way to see a list of posts on your blog. Either maintain a list manually ( on a page ) or add the Archives gadget.

from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hi Kalpana,

Since u call your blog Travel and Photography, few things that would knock a reader's mind are:

1. Good Photographs - photoshopped and cut and cornered to look good.

2. descriptive subject - u could have trailed your mind to what the dog would have thought to get up on the car and sleep in the heat.


Thanks..... Keep Blogging.

from New Delhi
11 years ago

Hey Sohni, Thanks for taking the time to comment. 

Thanks for the thoughts. This post was part of a bloghop group and all the posts needed to have the same title :( which I agree is rather boring.


Abhishek Pandey
Abhishek Pandey
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Theme(Templete) of blog is not suiting the title. It should also matching. :)

from New Delhi
11 years ago

You think? I find that a black background makes a striking framework for photos. I would love to use dynamic views but it doesn't support widgets. Yet. 

from New Delhi
11 years ago

Techies - how do I change my travel blog url that is waaaay to long? Can I do it myself? Do I have to scrap this blog?