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[ ] IndiRank: 25

Welcoming all to my art blog :)

from Chennai
11 years ago

Welcome to a blog of journey with my pencil sketches :)  would like to have your reviews and suggestions for my blog. Thanks in advance :)

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Pune
11 years ago

Well, Perfect seemed to have been the word if not for a few items. 

1. Brand: You are an accompalished artist. Why dont you build your own brand ? Consider spending Rs300 - 500 an year and get a custom domain for yourself. It will go a long way. 

2. Frequency: I know you are a creative blogger and cant expect you too to generate stuff too frequently but the current frequency is too less. Consider blogging atelast once a week. 

3. Social Media: Why are you not having a Twitter handle / FB page ? Embrace social media, they will help you a lot. 


Overall, a great blog with these small glitches. Hope you will consider them and make it perfect. cheers ! 

from Chennai
11 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions Purnendu :) yeah, I'm thinking about getting a custom domain and improving the frequency. But havn't yet explored social media that much though. Will considers your valuble opinions :) Thanks for dropping by.. 

from Chennai
11 years ago

Between, have gone through your websites, Puru and they are awesome :) have taken some cue :)  

from Pune
11 years ago

Thanks Srini :)