Would be very grateful if you could review my blog.
I've made a blog to help people improve their vision naturally. Please have a look and review it.
Comment about the design, the site speed and the overall looks of the blog. Thank you.
Reason: Improving my blog
I have reviewed your blog for content. It is a health blog as I understand and caring for the eyes is the basic thread that runs through all posts.
It loads at a good speed. The content is clear and easy to understand. The language is fine.
You may want to use some images in the posts to make it more appealing visually.
Keep blogging.
Thanks a lot :)
- Having TLD is good but it seems to long..
- consider 2 colunm layout oppose to 3 otherwise cosider increasing the wide of your post page
- Subject is very limited since within some time you may run out of topic to write with..
- Best of Luck..
Have prepared complete plans for upto 50 posts. will be Out of ideas after that. Yeah struggled to search for topics.
Thanks :)
Hopefully by that time you may get comments in which you may get an idea as where to take the website to.. Blog not always means you have to stay active, rather it can always act as a website also.. As long as you have relevant and needed information, people will continue to visit you..
Once you are out of post, do concentrate to market the posts to more and more people via social network and other ways
Sure :)
Nice tip