Wanting to get a learning feedback from the established blogger community
I have this blog for featuring some photography walks, contest wins & participations, product reviews, book reviews, life skills, hobbies i have to share it with the world.
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Nice blog. The photographs look good.
Here are a few suggestions regarding design and layout.
- I think that you can have a better background replace the currency notes. Not sure if money is closely related to your blog.
- The widgets on the right appear to be in a wrong order. The About Me should be on the top. The widgets of BlogAdda, IndiBlogger and BlogGiri should go down.
- Add an e mail subscription widget. It helps in getting frequent readers.
- I see that in some of the posts, the pictures are not aligned properly. They go outside the margins. Making the images smaller and aligning them in the centre will do the trick.
Have a good day!