Home Maker would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://welcometotheworldofh4.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 47

Looking for feedback on my blog

Home Maker
Home Maker
from USA
11 years ago

Hi all,

       Nice to meet you all here. Register in my blog and look each and every post which i publish and give suggestions which could help me to improve.


Mrs.Home Maker

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Brajadulal Patnaik
Brajadulal Patnaik
from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Very colorful and attractive header. The blog has good focus on the home maker. As a reader, I would like to know more about the person behind the blog. Hence, an 'about me'/profile section with your brief details would help. The present details in the 'about' section is very impersonal. The blog name is also very long. You may want to change it to something simple and easy to remember.


Home Maker
Home Maker
from USA
11 years ago

Thank your for the reply