Apoorva would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://apg612.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 29

Looking for feedback...

from Delhi
11 years ago

My blog is absolutely anything and everything that happens around me.. Anything that happens with me.. This space is dedicated solely to the exchange of ideas over certain topics which seem to have lost all their relevance in this materialistic word.. !!

"I loved words.. i loved to read them.. to sing them.. but now, I have fallen in love with this joy of writing them.."


Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Robinsh Kumar
Robinsh Kumar
from Allahababd
11 years ago

Seems your college event helped you to become a blogger and very soon you will become a professional blogger too and master the search engines to attract more readers than ever before ....

My ratings - 91/100 :)All the best, keep blogging !

from Delhi
11 years ago

thanks so much for the kind words Robinsh :)

Really means a lot to me.. :)

from Delhi
11 years ago

Surely, writing is one thing i can never really get go of.. so many and not some more promised :) 

Anyways, thanks for the kind words.. :)

Sameer Siddiqui
Sameer Siddiqui
from Pilani
11 years ago

Your blogging skills are amazing, but you blog template is a bit congested.Pic are really amazing, keep up the good work ! 

from Delhi
11 years ago

thanks for the kind words :) 

and surely ll work on the template.. :)