Rayla Noel would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://studio304.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback on my new blog

Rayla Noel
Rayla Noel
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Its all these digital ways of doing words that got the title

Replies 1 to 6 of 6
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Rayla,

Very different blog UI and creativity creeps out

Rayla Noel
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Farah , am so sorry did not reply earlier ... thank you so much. Its straight from myheart, and I am yet to say it all like it is -  visual challenges, all that. Am trying. Thank you for beig there too.

Soham Roy
Soham Roy
from Kolkata
11 years ago

The blog template looks vibrant...And as Farah mentioned , The quite like the UI...Good one !!

Rayla Noel
Rayla Noel
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thank you Soham - it is I guess , vibrant with my 12 year old's mischief and challenge - and me trying to make something out of our lives. Blesya

from hyderabad
11 years ago

As other mentioned, the theme looks new, different from the regular ones but I think that you need to organise the footer area. The gadgets are running into one another's space.

Rayla Noel
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Ranjith Thanks :)  I cleaned up but widgets being out of sight and in footer area, am unsure how to level up. Hope this looks ok...

Vedviyas Sridhar
Vedviyas Sridhar
from Chennai
11 years ago

Hi Rayla, 

Lovely blog.. inspired poetry Smile

Rayla Noel
Rayla Noel
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Heya thanks, am still working working on it... 

Anant Aggarwal
from Faridabad
11 years ago

Hi...You were the first one to vote for me on Idea Caravan... Thanks for that...I never ever read other people's blogs and that's the sole reason i am able to write my stuff in a way i deem nice, in fact my entire life, i have only read The White Tiger and schoolbooks... Can't comment on your poetry since I have read none...I write poetry as well but very basic...I have just released a book on Amazon ebook and Createspace print format about motivation and inspiration...I don't want to make this sound as if I am spamming so I am not posting the links now... but somehow i feel you'll be a great reader for it... so if you want to know the links, do let me know... n though i never vote for others since i don't read their stuff, i do remember each n everyone who likes mine... so another thing is barring age, caste, creed and whatever, wish to be friends?... i sincerely apologize if this reply has gone all haywire... i write each and  everything impulsively... do let me know whatever you make of all this so i might be careful in the future in case u didnt find my message appropriate... thanks for reading this n a big big vote of thanks for voting for my blog post... cheers!!...