Siddharth Bose would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Reviews and Suggestions

Siddharth Bose
Siddharth Bose
from Jabalpur
16 years ago

Members kindly have a look at my blog and let me know what you guys think about my blog, it is basically a Tech blog. Do give your suggestions also about improving my blog



Replies 1 to 5 of 5
How Do We Know
How Do We Know
from Gurgaon
16 years ago

its a nice blog. I like it that your posts are brief and to the point. i enjoyed ur blog.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

You have a nice underground-hacker-style template, which is good for your subject. However, why do you have a vertical adsense banner in the main content area? I have to scroll down a fair bit for the first post. Also, the google custom search is for the web, not your blog - which makes it renundant. People are used to using the search option available on their browser, I don't think they would use the one on your blog.

Overall, I think you need more emphasis on the main content, and less on the widgets/add-ons.

Happy blogging! Smile

Amol Wagh
Amol Wagh
from Nashik
16 years ago
Hey Sidharth, You have chosen very subject friendly underground like theme which is impressive but following things you need to update. 1. You have only ads on top of page an content is far below. Please remove that ads. 2. You have to many widgets which makes your site look bulky, think more about user's psychology, he will surely leave your blog in less time. 3. Concentrate more on content , give audience what they come for not just ads. One last suggestion is if you are a freak for widgets , then switch to wordpress self hosted blog like me. It will make your site good widgetised as well as nicely blended contents. Surely I will help you. What i liked most is design you have chosen.
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
16 years ago

@ Amol : Those are great points that you have brought up!

Siddharth Bose
Siddharth Bose
from Jabalpur
16 years ago

Thank you everyone for giving time to my blog, I am working on all the suggestions.