Looking for feedback on my blog
Hi, this is such a great space and with many helpful tips. I am new to IndiBlogger although I have heard of it through the years. Started blogging in 2006 for about 2 yrs and thereafter was not very irregular. Have resumed now with a different blog and would like it to be reviewed. Thank you for reading.
Hi Sumita,
This is what I feel about your blog:
Looks good, no categories, easy to navigate, nice pics, blog is about chennai, doesn't have unnecesary items on the blog that fills the entire screen, you have written articles according to alphabets, english grammar is good, I was not interested in cheeky quotes, there is no "join this blog" or "follow" option.
can you review mine: http://www.indiblogger.in/forum/review.php?id=15446
Thank you,
Suresh Jonna
I just went through your blog. The first thing that struck me is the minimalism of it. That's a good thing. You have only what is necessary, and no useless stuff like calenders.
You write very well, and I found you to be quite interactive. You reply to most comments, and I love that.
I do have a couple of suggestions:
1. Your blog takes a bit of time to load. This could be because you include a lot of pictures in your posts. On the homepage, keep lower number of posts, or add a jump break, so that only extracts of your posts can be seen on the homepage.
2. Add a Followers widget in your sidebar. This will enable people to stay updated (I'm not sure how many people use RSS feeds anymore).
3. Reduce the width of your posts. I hate having to scroll sideways. I would rather scroll vertically.
Other than these three points, I really like your blog. Your design is good. It draws attention to the main thing, the content. Great going!