Ishan Mahajan would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking for feedback on my blog

Ishan Mahajan
Ishan Mahajan
from Mumbai
11 years ago

A collection of random rants. Also dabbling with movie, music and food reviews. Would be glad to know what you like or don't about this blog. Would go a long way in helping me make it more reader friendly. After all, we all write to be read, don't we?

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Aniruddha Rege
Aniruddha Rege
from Pune
11 years ago

I absolutely love your blog. I have joined it now, since you are directly in my own niche! The design is very well chosen, and gives it a clean, yet fun ;look. The idea about making seperate pages for movies, music etc. It makes navigating much simpler.

The only thing I would ask you to do was update more frequently. That is the only bad part. Once a month is not done, yaar! The writing is excellent, and you have a way of engrossing the reader.

I hope you find this review useful. Loved the blog!