A humble request from a huumble amateur blogger
Hi, I have been blogging on a few random topics - as I am stii on the journey of finding a theme for myself. Would you please take some time off and review my blog - sharing your feedback and criticism. I would greatly appreciate it. As an amatuer, it would also be a great form of support. Godspeed !!
Hi Tushar,
Thats a fun template. Clan too. Good content.
What i feel you could add is "WIDGETS" you have ample space on the right hand side bar. The choice is yours for it though. Otherwise its great. And ah yes, it takes some time (and one click) to figure out that "real ramblings" is your "about me" section. SOme one might just dismiss it for a simple blogging section
All the best. Keep posting.
Thank You for your feedback I am still struggling to understand the widgets - and am being cautious with them. But yes, your words have given me some courage. All the Best !!