Tech Dragon would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 24

Review needed on my tech blog.

Tech Dragon
Tech Dragon
from delhi
11 years ago

i recently started writing a tech blog because i felt my views needed to be heard about the new and upcoming smartphones. me along with my friend blog about anything that is making news in the smartphone world ranging from processors to cameras to complete phone overviews.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Aditya Dey
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago

The first impression was not good for me, as your blog takes time to load...It may increase the bounce rate...So you should work on that ASAP.....I guess you should re-customize the Facebook box, as the color combination and styling isn't encouraging (My view)....One more thing is that I really had a tough time while I tried to access your pages....I think it should right at the top of the blog.....Your blog is around 3 month old, and its technology blog, still it had only 12 posts all together...That's not a right start, so you should increase your post frequency.....Even the description of blog needs works, as it is really very short.....You may conisder these points to make it even better....Technology blogs are really doing well Sky is the limit for you......Keep working hard....Happy Blogging.....