Looking for a good and insightful review!
This is a new blog, mainly dealing with Movie Reviews, TV Shows and music. I also post some opinion peinces from time to time. Top 10 and Top 5 lists are a regular feature on the blog.
I would like someone to give me an insightful and honest review. You can criticize all you want, as long as it is constructive. It is a relatively new blog (Just 20 days old), so I'm looking for things to improve upon or change altogether! Help me out, if possible!
Come on guys...no one wants to review my blog? Just check it out and tell me what you think! I will forever be in your debt!
Hi, I saw your website and I found it to be cool enough, but I recommend to change the background colour of your website also please put your profile somewhere in the sidebar. Also minimize the contents on the home page and add a line break at posts. It is cool and I liked it.
b.t.w please spare some time to view my blog http://techera.tk
Thank you for the review as well as the suggestions. I will try and incorporate them immediately. I'll also review blog asap!
Hey annirudhha,
I will say, a simple but effective design.
I just want to tell you that if you increase the font size to 14 and line height to 25 it will look more pleasant. try it. I am using it on my blog.
Also As abinodh says if you just put your first para on homepage it will do cause so you can keep more articles on homepage.
your writing is way much better than me so no comments on it.
Hi Pratik. Thank you for the compliment about my writing, though you thoroughly underestimate your own! I use the Blogger platform. So, I ma not sure as to how to show only the first para on the homepage. I would love to do that, and will try to do it as soon as possible.
its simple just put a break tag afteryour first para gets over here is the image about it.
OK! I iserted the page breaks. You are right. I can now include more posts on the homepage, and the page also loads faster! Thanks man...
You write well. No issues with grammar or punctuation(or I couldn't spot it because your writing kept me well engrossed). Your posts are interesting and insightful, keep it up. Change the background to black, it would look better. And try the new dynamic layouts, looks better.
Thanks for the review. There won't be many grammatical errors (hopefully), because English is one of my only strong points. Thanks for the compliment about my posts. That was my tension...whether or not they would appeat to my readers! I'll take your advice about the dynamic layouts. Thanks!
So, I have taken advice from you guys, and changed the look of my blog completely. Take a look. Suggest further improvements, if any!
I think the blog list you mentioned in the sidebar is the blogs you follow, it misguide people that you own that blogs, you can name it as "I follow" or "my friends" or something like that