Kiva Bottero would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 81

Please review The Mindful Word

Kiva Bottero
Kiva Bottero
from Varanasi
11 years ago

The Mindful Word is a quarterly journal of engaged living and daily blog. We'd like to hear your comments in an effort to improve the content we deliver:

And if you're interested in contributing to The Mindful Word take a look at our submission guidelines.



Edited 11 years ago
Reason: forgot something
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Ludhiana
11 years ago


Keep it up. Your blog seems very well arranged, and managed. Will like to contribute an article or two ... someday.

- aman

Kiva Bottero
Kiva Bottero
from Varanasi
11 years ago

Hi Aman, Thanks for the kind words and also for the offer to contribute. There are so many wonderful writers online here it would be great to receive submissions from the community.

from Bangalore
11 years ago

i simply loved some of the contents on your blog.. I would anyday like to contribute if that is possible :)

But i was looking for a way to keep track of articles and remember to read old articles again.. and didn't find anything other than following on twitter,mail or RSS feed.

I use these tools for keeping track of different type of blogs and I didn't want to bookmark either it is a work laptop and I don't want to have to bother about syncing with my personal. While I could use something like delicious to save the bookmark, I think some users would want a feature like the Google Friend connect or Follow Blog option to read ur updates from a blogging/reader. maybe the rss feed would be enough.. but anyway I just let you know :)


Wonderful blog.. keep it up  :)

Kiva Bottero
Kiva Bottero
from Varanasi
9 years ago

Thanks for the tip Vivek. I'll consider it as we do our redesign later this year.