Devesh Taneja would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

A young blogger here..please review my blog

Devesh Taneja
Devesh Taneja
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hello fellow bloggers,

Am Devesh (17), I made a blog of mine about 3 months ago and i need some guidence. Please review my blog,all comments and suggestions are welcome. 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from India, USA
11 years ago
Hi Devesh, Wonderful to see your youthful interest in cooking. I am of the firm belief that everyone must know how to cook, it is perhaps one of the most underrated skills of our time. You have some great recipes on your blog. It would be wonderful to see a list of archived recipes and / or a label cloud. Best wishes, Apu @ Annarasa
Devesh Taneja
Devesh Taneja
from Delhi
11 years ago

Thanx..I'll surely make the changes :)