Shalini Pereira would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Looking for feedback on my blog covering art, design, food and travel

Shalini Pereira
Shalini Pereira
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

All Things Nice is a blog through which I can combine my passion for design, art and architecture with my other passion- writing. The idea behind this blog was to offer my readers a designer’s perspective on things I love in the fields of art, architecture, interior design and product design, both internationally as well as in India. Sometimes I simply share things that like and other times I share my opinions on certain designs as well as my experiences as a designer.

But All Things Nice isn’t only about design. As the name suggests, it talks about everything that I think is nice! I blog about things I love and food and travel is right up there next to design. So the blog also affords me the chance to share my ideas on cooking and baking as well as my travel experiences.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4

amazing calibre, book marked your blog. really marvelous content.

Shalini Pereira
Shalini Pereira
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

Thanks so much for your positive feedback! Glad you like it.

from Pune
11 years ago

Well well, I do not think you need a review .. this blog has already become near perfect. I usually give detailed reviews of a blog but there is hardly anything which I can say will improve this. 

Just one thought, ever thought of having a custom domain name ?

Shalini Pereira
from Gurgaon
11 years ago

Thank you so much. Its so encouraging to get positive feedback especially from someone who is part of such a great blog like yours. And I will def consider a custom domain. Thanks again!

Lenin Nair
Lenin Nair
from Thiruvananthapuram
11 years ago

You have a very nice blog. There are however a few points that I would like to make:


1. if you could, increase the post frequency. This year you have only 5 posts. 

2. The design could be tweaked a bit. Also, make the home page contain less number of posts. That will make the blog load much faster. 

3. Also, if you are interested, get a custom domain name and point the blog there..



Shalini Pereira
from Gurgaon
11 years ago
Thanks for the tips Lenin!