Dipti Malhotra would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.diptimalhotra.com ]

Hey, I'm loving the Blogging world, kindly review :)

Dipti Malhotra
Dipti Malhotra
from DELHI
12 years ago

A personal blog authored by a dramatic, romantic and at times psychotic woman having a quarter age crises -- perpetually! The posts are mainly personal thoughts and opinions about style, movies, books, music, photography and relationships. I am not new to the blogging world, have changd platforms. Trying to get back in the flow. ~ of thoughts~ 

Will be adding a lot over the weeks. Fow now, I'd love a feedback.




Edited 12 years ago
Reason: adding more.
Replies 1 to 2 of 2

very thoughtful reviews with frank balanced views on platter. keep it going. blog theme can be worked upon to more stylish one.


Dipti Malhotra
from DELHI
12 years ago

thank you! i will work on the layout for sure :)

Ratish Nair
Ratish Nair
from Kuwait
12 years ago

Hi..ur blog looks good....but the page design and background doesnt go well ....even the font...let it be simple...