kavya karumudi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://itsmyblogkk.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

review my blog of feelings filled within n giv ur valuable feedback

kavya karumudi
kavya karumudi
from visakhapatanam
11 years ago

its all about me,you,we and us...... some of many feelings we encounter...... especially love , friendship,ego,innocence...and many more....discover all these through the short stories i posted in my blog. Smile

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Shivprasad Murkibhavi
Shivprasad Murkibhavi
from Belgaum
11 years ago

hey hi Kavya,

gone through you short stories.. especially the latest one.. I really enjoyed it.

You can be more clear when you introduce the characters and the way how you deal during conversation.

You can add about the feelings around, the scenarios which took place. be humorous and will be nice going.

If i was harsh i am sorry.. but take only those comments which you feel so and rest discard away.


Would be glad if you would review my blogs too..




Keep writing and happy blogging..


