Achin Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
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Request you all for a quick feedback on my travelogue Blog

Achin Kumar
Achin Kumar
from Pune
12 years ago

Hi All,

Its not been much since I started writing Blogs. I love exploring places, travelling , and meeting new people.

Through my Blog "Explore with Achin" , I try to share my experiences with all.

Request you all for a feedback on my Blog.


Thanks a lot,

Achin Kumar

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Have started Blogging recently, and I wanted to know where I actually stand in Blogging
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Himanshu Nagpal
Himanshu Nagpal
from Delhi
12 years ago

Hey Achin,

Just went through your blog and seems nice. I also love travelling and writing about it. I love your writing style and its pretty good. Though page seems too wide and doesnt seems to fit on screen, you can work on that else, I think you are doing great. 

Happy bloging.

Himanshu (A fellow traveller) 


Achin Kumar
Achin Kumar
from Pune
12 years ago

Hi Himanshu,

Thanks a lot for taking some of your crucial time to go through my Blog and appreciating my writing. I would definitely look into the layout of my Blog and change it accordingly.


Happy Blogging to you as well.

Keep Travelling....... 

  - Achin