Ravi would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://e-maze-ry.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Looking forward to critic review of my photography blog

from Noida
12 years ago

Primarily objective is to showcase my perspective on aspects related directly or covertly to life using images captured by me. This is what I wish to start with, lets see where it takes me in times to come.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Pune
12 years ago

Look and feel : Simplistic and with a color plan which will suit a photography blog. However your can consider experiementing and having a gallery. Random quotes widget is not required at all. Do include a "About" page. Try a black background instead of the current dull grey.

Content: Awesome ! I loved many of your landscape photographs and must say that you are very good at it. 

Frequency : 10 posts in 2 months, thats a good average. Keep up the momentum. 

Domain: Consider getting your own domain

Incidently I am the first person to like your blog, I deserve a treat :)