subhash c p boss would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

"Please review my Tech blog"

subhash c p boss
subhash c p boss
from kerala
12 years ago

please review my blog. i want some feedback from you to make my blog more more better. so please help me!

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Rajesh K
Rajesh K
from Chennai
12 years ago

From a technical point of view, your blog is very good. You know which gadgets to add and where to add them. Everything combines quite well to give a neat look to the blog as well. But the name of your blog is little strange for a tech blog. Also, the 'how Provide latest updates from cyber world' is not that attractive. Try to think of a better tagline/caption.

The main problem I found in your site is the lack of navigation features. You have a blog archive, but it is not very visible. Read more posts in the bottom is very small. The category/pages links on the top don't seem to be working.

You can display popular pages on the sidebar instead of repeating the recently published posts there. 

subhash c p boss
from kerala
12 years ago

Thanks a Lot! I Will Shurly Consider Your Advices.  I will Make Changes In My Blog. keep Well, Have A Nice Day.

                                          -Lovingly SUBHASH C P