sudha shashwati would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Revamped my blog. Looking for feedback.

Hey there, I'm pretty old on blogosphere and even on Indiblogger but I recently changed the adress of my blog (not to say anything of its appearance) and made sure I gave it a complete makeover. I would love to have you tell me your opinion on it, even if you never visited the old one. Do also let me know what you felt about my writing. Thanks :)

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Nevin Thomas
Nevin Thomas
from Kochi
12 years ago

Sudha, I can see the 'wealth of blogging experience' in your new (revamped) blog. Everything seems perect. Keep writing. :)

That's very kind of you Nevin. Thanks for your feedback :)