Looking for a review to help me improve.
I am an introvert. A fierce one at that. As a result, all my thoughts are directed inwards. I find it easier to connect with myself or to an artificial medium like a blog. So I write. My blog is a direct reflection of my thoughts which in turn are direct reflections what what is happening in my life. The fact that I've enjoyed writing as a hobby from a very young age also helps me here!
There will be a lot of travelogues as well of train journeys from around the country.
I've been blogging for less than a year and I'd like some feedback so I know how to take it to next level.
Thanks in advance
Reason: spelling mistake
Liked your blog's simplicity and arrangement, but I'm really confused about what exactly is the blog about.
Do visit my blog too, and provide your valuable feedback,
Keep Blogging,
Hi Irshad
Thanks for taking time out to look at my blog. I do agree that my blog doest fall under any specific genre. I just write about whatever comes to my mind and I like it that way.
And I have to say I am naturally atrracted towards quizes so your blog is definitely something I'd like to follow. Some really good questions in there.
Ok I didn't knew that you wrote in this way on purpose. Nice to see a blogger who writes whatever he feels like without being bounded by any genres or something like that. Thanks for checking out my blog too.. Keep Blogging..