Shishir Kumar Prasad would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my personal blog

Shishir Kumar Prasad
Shishir Kumar Prasad
from Madison
12 years ago

Hi folks,

I am an on-and-off blogger who has finally decided to give blogging a real try. I have been posting blogs recently in my newly bought domain It would be great if the fellow bloggers can critique my blog and give their valuable feedback on the same. It can range from the style of writing, the quality of topics or any other relevant comment.

Looking forward to a long stint as a blogger this time :)



Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Shishir Kumar Prasad
Shishir Kumar Prasad
from Madison
12 years ago

Anyone wants to give his two cents here ? I had heard from my blogger friends that this was a very active forum :D