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It's tough being a wannabe. Could I request others around for some suggestion on

Narendra Singh
Narendra Singh
from Noida
12 years ago

I have been told, more often than I would like, that I have a strange way of looking at things. People also worry about my habit of questioning everything that has a structure or order that is to be followed blindly.

My blog "Prisoner of my own device..." ( ) is a desperate attempt to put my thoughts into words. Mostly you would find poems, with or without introduction to the topic they deal with.


Feel free to subscribe, if you like something...


P.S. please take a moment to thank the spell check feature, without her I would never have written a word correct :)

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: new content
Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Firstly, the name is quite interesting. Aren't we all Prisoners in our minds at some time or the other. I think a lot of people would relate to that title.


Coming to the blog itself, when it loads, the first thing (and the only thing) that is on the screen is that header image. It's so reminding of the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" and the cover where little Scout Finch is in the tyre swing.  Whereas the image is nice, I think as a header, it's too filling. A header that's the width of your blog, and smaller in the height would be beautiful. It'd also give a glance at the first post, or the summary of the first post (if you're using a more tag) and invite the reader to read the blog.


A little reordering, in the sidebar, getting the followers and follow by email widget more visibility at the top of the sidebar, and removing some non-existent ones like the blog list and an empty widget (btwn the FB badge and pageviews count) would be helpful I think.