ashutosh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 28

Please review my poetry blog

from bangalore
12 years ago

Please review my poetry blog

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
amit ganguly
amit ganguly
from pune
12 years ago

Hello Ashutosh,

Mind you that I am not a Professional Blogger,hence the opinion expressed here is strictly personal and is based on my Experience.

Here is my two cents on your blog design.

Speed - I must say the blog loads on the browser under 5 sec which is good.More so,one can easily access your posts from the Home page. Rating -  Great.

Design - It is a free template I believe that you are using,which is acceptable.However, you can opt for better deisgns which depict the focus of your blog and thoughts. Rating - Satisfactory.

Content - You can maintain a heanthy count on number of posts you post/month.More so, you can opt for better fonts and colours if you like so. Rating - Satisfactory.

Social Media - I believe that you have to work on this.A blog needs readers.Hence, you should post your blogs to media's such as FB,My Space,Tumblar, Twitter and Stumble Upon or so. Hence a good social widget is a must in a blog site. Rating - Need to work.

Remarks - Overall your blog is good.You can work on certain aspect which I have mentioned and make it healthy.

Best of Luck. 

Keep Blogging.

Warm Regards


from bangalore
12 years ago

thanx amit thanx a lot for ur valuable and incredible suggestions...i would consider each and every point u described....thank u soooooo much