I'd love it if you'd review my blog!
Thanks for stopping by. Your thoughts about my blog are extremely valuable and I'd be grateful if you would tell me what you think. Constructive criticism and encouragement are both equally welcome!
Thank you. :)
i read the poems.. not all of them, but I liked them.. great!
do visit me at www.santuonline.wordpress.com and leave a comment.. :-)
I just had to read only one post to know the power of your words. I love those posts which appeal to me personally. You work wonders with your pen. Here is my review.
1. I am not commenting about your write up's. They are simply great. As far as the design is concerned, there are a few things you could do.
2. Reduce the number of entries in 'You might also like' Add a labels section.
3. As far as widgets are concerned, you can add a facebook widget. That would help you get some traffic in your blog. There are quite a few other widgets too, that might be useful for you.
4. Give a small account about yourself in the blog. There are people who would like to know about the author, before they read.
5. Experiment with the design and layout and ask around, learn from the feedback.
Happy blogging :)
If you have the time, do not hesitate to stop by my blog.
Thank you for visiting and the feedback! I really appreciate it.
1. I totally agree with you about the number of posts on the "you might also like" section. Honestly, it was an accident and I've just not sat down and recitified it. Laziness, primarily.
2. I'm new to blog desings/layouts etc and never did think about widgets till you mentioned it, so thanks!
Thanks for the comments and I did take a look at your blog. Left a comment, too. :)