Maumita Bhattacharya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Kindly take out some precious time to look at my blog and give me feedback about

Maumita Bhattacharya
Maumita Bhattacharya
from New Delhi
12 years ago

I am absolutely a neophyte in indiblogger and the moment I started using it is giving me an immense sense of bliss. Thankyou all for your votes thats a way of encouraging and I totally appreciate that.

Kindly review my blog and comment if you like it and even if u dint like it. I would love to get your comments.

Thankyou and cheers.


Edited 12 years ago
Reason: want to start up with a fresh beginning all over again
Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Maumita Bhattacharya
Maumita Bhattacharya
from New Delhi
12 years ago

@Desire v/s Destiny

Many thanks for your time to review over my blog. I would definately try to add gadgets as per your suggestion ans would definately look for the text fonts from the next time. Do you want me to maintain only one way of font throught out?

I liked your writings, as they straight from your heart but somehow it'll be more appt if you could change the blog template. You can easily download it from wordpress or many such sites, they really have good templates.

Read your recent post, am a big fan of has something unusualness it it. Glad that u had been there for audition.

Keep posting and have fun!

Thanks again.


Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
12 years ago

hey , I have again changed the temoplate do have a lokk

Thanks for the compliments , Thanks again , Sure you too keep posting !

from Lucknow
12 years ago

Nice blog Maumita ji

I like the whole template of the blog. Also, the content is very rich in it.

Maumita Bhattacharya
Maumita Bhattacharya
from New Delhi
12 years ago

@Anoop Yadav


I am glad you liked it.

Maumita Bhattacharya
Maumita Bhattacharya
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Thankyou very very much for your suggestions. I have limited my posts in a page and also removed the unnecessary widgets which was making it little sloppy.

Hope you enjoyed reading the articles.

Thanks again. :)

from Kerala
12 years ago

Hey Maumita

You have a real pretty name. And an even prettier blog. I agree with everyone else. Your template is reaaaally nice.  

The writing is nice and light.. Do post more often. I thought I had too few posts for so many years. But I see that yours is fewer. So do post more. And try to stick to a single font in all posts. Looks more uniform. I agree with Ramkant bout the widgets. The comments through FB and recent comments, for instance. People who likes your post enough would probably take time to go through the comments. I know I do. So why put it up anyway? Just my opinion. 

Anyways, your writing is good and basically thats what matters. So keep up the good work. And keep writing! Do go through my blog when you get the time.

P.S- I loved Emily the strange btw :)