B.G.Sharma would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://sachidaanand.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 36

Looking for your feedback on my new Hindi blog सच्चिदानंद ..

from Sujangarh
12 years ago

I am editor of a religious magazine, Recently I have started a blog for contents from this magazine and my own articles and poems.Please give me review about design, layout, and content. 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Hello sir,

Here is some feedback.

I did not go through the content as i feel there are some changes i would want to suggest that will make reading your blog easier 

1. I generally do not like places where background is static but thats my take

2. Please make the foreground more opaque, its very difficult on the eyes, text merges with the background. Your font color is same as most of the color of the background picture

3.Live traffic feed: I sincerely feel that its of no use, atleast for less visited sites. For eg i can see that in last 1 day only 2 other people visited your blog apart from me. Makes me feel i am visting a novice, unless you have a very regular feed of readers  i think you couls avoid using it.

If you really want to show how many people are visiting your blog,you can have a visitor counter

from Sujangarh
12 years ago

Hello Madhur,Thanks for visiting my blog and giving your precious suggestions about it, as I am a newcomer in this field and not so tecno friendly too ...I really appriciate it.I will work on ypur suggestions about foreground, text and live traffic gadget...Static background is just fine with me as I tried scrolling background for some days and it was more difficult to read font with it due to background picture, so I made it static...Tell me which font color you would suggest...if I want to keep my foreground transparent.Thank you again for your kind feedback...and I like the twitter bird on your blog .. :)

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Hello sir

I am not sure what color would suit. Your background already has many colors so it will definitly hide something.It is still very distracting for me :). May be you could have small opaque boxes and have your text in them . They will scroll away with the text .

I can see you made some changes on the site. Loved the subscribe box. Its prominent and beautiful at the same time.