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Please review my Scrapbook

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

Sitting on an archaic wooden chair in a warm evocative afternoon, When she was resting on a couch, Only few yards away from me,In the same veranda facing the Bougainvillaea shrubs of south... Sun wasn’t till then so lethargic, Radiating the crimson golden rays, Those fondling her hanging locks and igniting my envious self… Alas, that script was unworthy of staging for a real show…

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Nikhil Poddar
Nikhil Poddar
from Kolkata
12 years ago

Hi Anunoy..

The first thing I noticed from your blog is that you have been writing from 2007 and have racked up just 5600.I have almost  reached that mark in 5 months.You could make great use of social networking sites nad of course, Indiblogger, to promote your blog. Pull up your socks and make everyone read your stuff.

The second problem would be that you write  VERY less.


For the 3rd problem..Dont think that Im egoistic or something, but I recommend you to take a look at my make yours more user friendly...And as of your writing style.. AWESOME! BIG TIME! Really love it..

All in all, great potential. 

Keep writing, and looking forward to new posts.

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

thanks Nikhil for liking my writing and also advicing... date back to 2007 before opening this blog I started with a website (under some free website host offcourse) and that used to have thousand visitors a week!... even more.... because I was active to these socialisation part being moderator of their webforum....  bragged few adsense cheques too in that 2006-2007 time... lol.... then slowly i became offnet and so it became difficult to maintain a website(you know it better) and so just truncated my web presence with a blog.... anyway nomore flashbacks.... somehow i'm obsessed with my blog design (have you seen my travel blog? there also i maintain the same ambiance)... i wish i could write more and productive like you :)


Nikhil Poddar
from Kolkata
12 years ago

dont idolize me or something.. im just a 16 year old kid afterall.

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
12 years ago

lol... that's your biological age afterall ;)