Anki would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 32

Please review my blog.

from Delhi
13 years ago

A journey, mostly random thoughts that surface in the form of coherent (mostly) prose and poetry and lately even sketches. Looking forward to hosnest opinions from fello IndiBloggers. Thanks in advance for yout time. Smile 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2

blog ambience and design superb, content very mindturning. 

excellent approach.

from Bengaluru
13 years ago
  • Agree with Abhinandan, header can be a tad smaller. It's a nice image, suitable to the simple title of your blog..
  • Sidebars too prominent. You're trying to get your post the focus and its lost in the centre of the two sidebars. Try a single sidebar look. Just one on the left, a little wider than the one there right now, but not as wide as the right sidebar.
  • Avatar at the topmost? Nah.. they'll see that too, but give priority to followers and archive. I dont find much use of the Shelfari widget either.. :)