sanyukta would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my blog

from toronto
12 years ago

Its an eclectic blog, i write about whatever takes my fancy in that particular moment, but i am at the stage where i would like to know how it comes across to others. thanks.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Rupam Das
Rupam Das
from Gulbarga
12 years ago

Your site is one  of the neat sites I observed in my 50 odd site reviews that I did in few days. Dont worry, your writing and design has all the ingredients that it should  be. No hanky panky, no nonsense gadgets. Yeah, classic example of good website.


You may work onto "teasors", that is the keeping only summery in the front page. It always looks good.


But you have never worked into any marketing aspect so traffic and rank of your site is low evern after blogging for 3 years. You may consider a bit more effort on that. But hey, be happy, if I say your blog is good, it is good.  

Take care and do well.

from toronto
12 years ago
Hey! I just saw the comment sorry for the long delay, and thanks, I guess I will take your word for it then. :) And you are right about the low traffic, I have never done anything about that, I was not even sure if I wanted crazy amounts of traffic, you know what I mean. But lately I have been thinking maybe I should, I should try to get more readers, just am not sure how to do that and also do not want to invest too much time in that part .... So there we are... Thanks for reviewing though.
from toronto
12 years ago
Hey! I just saw the comment sorry for the long delay, and thanks, I guess I will take your word for it then. :) And you are right about the low traffic, I have never done anything about that, I was not even sure if I wanted crazy amounts of traffic, you know what I mean. But lately I have been thinking maybe I should, I should try to get more readers, just am not sure how to do that and also do not want to invest too much time in that part .... So there we are... Thanks for reviewing though.