looking for feedback on my new blog
Reason: I want more reviews
Your blog on receipe is one of the most compelling and informative cooking blogs around. I must say receipes and images are all great!
No wonder Google AdSense has approved your account. But dont you think people should see your award as soon as they reach your site? So award on forst block top left corner ok?
Create a 720x168 horizontal banner ad unit and place it at the top.
The vertical ad banner goes to the right column as the first block before petichef. Just bellow that Search box.
Once you use adsense, you are no more an amature, so you need to work hard to get traffic to your site. Every 100 visitors is equivalant to 100/- INR or 2$.
I will checkup with the changes and drop in with more suggestions if I feel that can be incorporated, :)
As cooking is my hobby, I have bookmarked your site. Have to visit it quite often :)
Thanks for ur comments.u almost welcome my blog.
ur guidance is very helpful.
hello sir,
could u please visit my blog.I have changed my blog title and template.Post ur comments and reviews.
How can i increase my indiblog rank.how can i add my new feed url.