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Please review my 'cartoon strip' blog- BowTie :)

Hi IndiBloggersSmile,

I am here again. This time with my second blog 'BowTie :)" . It is a cartoon strip. It is about my 2 alter egos Bow and Tie and their thoughts about things important and unimportant. I would love to know what you feel about my first attempt at creating cartoon strips. 

You can find BowTie :) here :




Replies 1 to 5 of 5

one great quips site. fun with deep meanings. bowtie concept also very well conceptualized. 

thumbs up.

Pooja Abhay
from Oceanside/Bangalore
13 years ago

Thank you so much Pramodji Smile Yes there are hidden meanings in most of the posts. I wanted it to be a little different :) Glad you liked it.

from Delhi
13 years ago

Hey Pooja,

I like your bow-tie concept! It's very original - I love how you took the ying and the yang aspect of it and made two characters that compliment each other. I have a comic blog too, and I've always said it's a lot harder to be funny via comics than other medium because it has to look good, be punchy, smart and funny all at the same time - a very tall order, and one that's very hard to deliver on! But you seem to be off to a very encouraging start, good stuff!

On the creating cartoon strips, if I could make a suggestion it would be to be a lot more subtle on the background colour you're using. You've got some funny stuff here, but I feel like the yellow you're using is too striking for a first time visitor to stay and read the comic. May I suggest shades of pastels or light yellows, to make it more easily visible?

But other than that, good stuff and keep drawing!

Yes, it's always hard to think up witty well meaning words, and again art needed to express them in drawings. Real great art in the making.

Hi Shezah,

Thanks for the appreciationSmile Yes it is true that it is a little harder to be funny via comic strips. Starting off is much easier. Maintaining the level is going to be tough, am just hoping I will be able to do just that.

I appreciate your suggestion Shezah. I tried other colours but I found this yellow the most suitable for the characters. I know what you are saying. I know it seems to be jarring ,maybe even due to the template background. Maybe I'll try changing the template . I hope it works. Thanks again girl and thanks a ton for the suggestion Smile

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Original indeed Laughing I like both of them, Bow and Tie.. they make me laugh..


A wonderful concept, and a good blog to go any time.. Esp, if u need a mood-lift! Smile

Pooja Abhay
from Oceanside/Bangalore
13 years ago

Thanks Vinay Laughing I hope to keep it going and glad to know that it works as a mood-lift Smile

Shrijeet Roy Choudhary
Shrijeet Roy Choudhary
from Sydney
13 years ago

I guess I have already commeneted (blabbered) a lot in the comments of Bow-Tie to know how much I like them Laughing

Awsome work.. Keep em coming.. !!

One suggestion: Since Bow-Tie's main content is pictures with texts.It might be a good idea to increase the Width of the Content in the Template you are using on Blogger.Once the Content part of the Layout is large, You can insert the Comic Strips Images in Large or Extra-Large Size.Might Improve the Visibility of the strips themselves.

Anyways, Since it's your Space. You are the King ...err.. Queen..(DAMN you Gender Biasing)Foot in mouth, So do as you like and don't listen to what others have to say.

(Only listen if they praise you.)(Or if they dont dis-courage you)(Or... Ok I should stop now)Cheers,Shrijeet Smile


Pooja Abhay
from Oceanside/Bangalore
13 years ago

Shrijeeeeeeeeeeeeet, OMG, how much you blabber man Tongue out But, I would miss it if you didn't . So keep them coming too Wink

Thanks dude . Hope to improve on it. I feel am deteriorating Frown

Yes, I need to change the template and make it easier to view. But, I can't find a right template. Once, I find the perfect template, I will give BowTie a makeover Smile