Ulhas Vardhan Golchha would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.ulhas.net/ ]

review my blog cum site

Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
from Kolkata
15 years ago

hey friends plz review my site Technology United  and suggest what should i change in and or update my site with.

You can even sign my guestbook  with the suggestions.


Updated my site cum blog Technology United with a new design and some tools too

@ http://www.ulhas.net/tools/

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: resturctured & redesigned my site
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Varanasi
15 years ago

it is nice blog..and u gave me an important news too I was waiting for IE8 bits for long...

from india
15 years ago

add your opionions  give pros and cons also

good blog.


Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
from Kolkata
15 years ago

are there only four bloggers in the community???

if no, then where are the others

please do review my blog cum site

Technology United and can even sign my guestbook

Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
Ulhas Vardhan Golchha
from Kolkata
14 years ago

hey friends plz review my site Technology United  again as the design has been changed & added a few tools also suggest what should i change in and or add to my website.

You can even sign my guestbook  with the suggestions.


@ http://www.ulhas.net/tools/