Time To Change! (291)
Change or Pockets will have only Change
sphota.wordpress.com - An appeal to change our attitude towards money and saving. It is time to change or our pockets will be left with only change.
Why Remain Involved?
nevermindyaar.blogspot.com - My thoughts on the one thing that could make a major difference to the quality of life in India. And it isn't the government and what they do or don't do.
A time to change.
jeeteraho.blogspot.com - Mental patients face a stonewall of stigma which keeps them aloof,unhappy & sick.Please stretch your hands to break this wall & vote for my post if you like it.
Electronic payments - wayout for curbing...
indiaassuperpower.blogspot.com - make all payments involving govt offices electronic and see fall in level of corrupyion for sure
Change tomorrow and stay free!
passey.info - Change is opportunity, change is hard-work, change is sweet, change is better... but most important, change is an interpretation! This post explores the choices one has as one seeks to find what can...
Change for future
swetatiwary.com - “If something irritates us so much, we only need to change it". this is a story of a women who became the change for the change.
Children of the same womb but divided by States-...
lifeunpacked.blogspot.com - To the world we are "Indians" not a Bihari or Punjabi or Gujrati, then why prejudices based on it prevails? It's time to change....
In Greed, They Trust.
littlemomentsofbliss.blogspot.com - We don't own our money anymore, it owns us. It rules us and we happily let it do so. Brothers kill, Families fight, Sisters curse, all for what ? An extra pile of notes in their lockers. This...
So What If We are Not One of You, We are Human...
ankitamahajan.wordpress.com - The community of Eunuchs is fighting for their rights. I have written this post to support them. "Wo hum me se ek na sahi, hum se behtareen hain"
Stop being a Road Terrorist
richlandtalk.blogspot.com - Stop being a road terrorist. Stop at the Red light and pioneer a change on road behavior.