Future mobile phone....

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Relax and take a look http://www.pomegranatephone.com/, simply amazing.

Its a sure winner in my demand contest, if the promoter such device participated Smile


Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

I saw the link and sure, it looks so much unreal.. I can understand the Shaver bit, but Coffee brewing is a tad too much to think of...

Guha Rajan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Haha.... true Hemal, but then if you compare to some of the post in My demand contest,  it looks more releastic and related to atleast to a technology. Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

you should see mine... lol... i am sure you will find that among the weirdest things

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
13 years ago

Is it really prudent to start such a thread just for one post on a contest? and that too in a pseudo way to ask people to vote? really?

Guha Rajan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Aashish, Would like to know from you where is the promotion to vote on the contest from my end???? 

My intention was to share information about  a future device which looked weird and interesting to the forum, on which Iam no way connected to website or the device. Further, I had given the website address directly.


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Aashish - Check out the link first. It's not at all connected with the HP contest. Guha is not advertising it to fetch votes on this forum! He simply shared it, it's up to us to enjoy or skip.

PS - If it was a post actually by Guha, this would have definitely won by miles!


from Mumbai
13 years ago

Dude, it's a rocking piece of technology! What a great concept phone! Plus, I really liked the way it was put up for for illustration for a consumer, simple, neat, engaging yet powerful!

Thanks for sharing Guha.

Guha Rajan
from Chennai
13 years ago

You are welcome, Arif. You understood perfectly my intention, which was sharing.

If my intention was about the contest, I would have partipated with this in the contest. However, I am not greedy and I do not take pride on others work, I will only appreciate it and wanted share it with others in the forum.

from Delhi
13 years ago

Are bhai logon,

Its just a publicity stunt by the province of NOVA SCOTIA. This phone does not exist and the website promotes tourism. (I know, it sounds weird but try clicking the links and it will lead on to Nova Scotia portal).

Manav Dhiman
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Yea... I saw it now.. :P

Haha... effing weird...

from Mumbai
13 years ago

We know that, but how many Marketers use such a way to allure? Even if it indirectly leads to Nova Scotia in Canada, I must say it's a great ad! Besides, Nova Scotia seems to be an awesome place too! ;)

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

It is unbelievable. It is also a hoax. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate_(phone)

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