Do we need a shoutbox kind of app on Indi?

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
14 years ago

It seems that in a lot of threads, people get into a group kind of discussion deviating from the main topic. This, sometimes, results in a new entrant feeling disoriented.


So, I propose that we add a Shoutbox application so that all who are online may keep on chatting to each other through that. This would result in lesser spam on the main threads.


What say you?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Yes, I agree and there was a similar discussion topic for the same. Let me pull that thread here!

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

yup!! y not :))

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Yeah there was some chat room kind of thing sometime......I dunno where it went now!

from Delhi
14 years ago

ya m converting ma thread into that....Wink

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Damn it! you are! Laughing

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago


Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
14 years ago

The idea is... A thread would have to be there in permanent storage memory of the site = More space requirement = More expenses for site to be maintained.


On the other hand, the shoutbox memory can be purged every couple of hours = Less memory requirements.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

I'm in favour of giving it a shot - with the hope that the shoutbox doesn't bring down the number of topics on the forum (which can build up into a valuable resource over time, something a shoutbox cannot do).

Aashish Sood
from Delhi
14 years ago

From what I have seen at the implementation of Shoutbox at another portal; It does not bring down the number of topics to be discussed as all do realise the SB is too chaotic a place to get some sense or proper responses on any topic. It helps, however, to cut down on spam in threads with genuine discussion going on.

from Bangalore
14 years ago


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